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‚she first intercultural communication meeting
We held "the first intercultural communication meeting at our NPO Cnet-hitachi office on January 28th.The speaker was Mr.Bailey, who is an assistant language teacher i‚`‚k‚sj, works for Hidaka junior high school in Hitachi city. He comes from Alabama, the Southern State.He talked us about history, nature, food, famous people and so on.We were very much entertained with lots of interesting stories of his country.He was so good that we could relax and really enjoyed communicating with him in English.All of us had the pleasant time together.             
T‚ a summary of our ‚m‚o‚n
Mr. ‚`‚Ž‚„‚’‚…‚— ‚c‚‚–‚‰‚“ ‚a‚‚‰‚Œ‚…‚™i‚`‚k‚sj All ‚‚”‚”‚…‚Ž‚„‚…‚…‚“
A ‚‚…‚…‚”‚‰‚Ž‚‡ scene 1 A ‚‚…‚…‚”‚‰‚Ž‚‡ scene 2
Next speaker will be Ms. Alina Chan from New ZealandD

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